. St Joseph's Pre-school
April 2018
Please copy and paste this link to see our most recent OFSTED report.
Quotes below from the OFSTED report.
Children are motivated to learn and eagerly participate in a wide range of enjoyable activities. Staff use effective strategies, such as questioning, to support children's communication and language development. This encourages children to develop their thinking and confidently share their own thoughts and ideas.
Children form strong bonds and attachments with staff and other children. Staff support their personal, social and emotional development with effective praise and encouragement.
Staff promote the good use of mathematical language during activities and experiences to support children's mathematical understanding.
Staff build strong partnerships with parents. They support parents with useful information, such as sharing forthcoming planning, to enable parents to extend children's learning at home.
Children who speak English as an additional language are very well supported to learn good English.
Children learn about appropriate ways to behave. Staff are effective role models, supporting children to learn right from wrong. Children are kind to each other and demonstrate a good understanding of the importance of sharing and turn taking.